The story of Sancerre -by Philip Stephenson-Oliver December 20, 2023The tale unfolds at the base of the Sancerre slopes in Saint Thibault, nestled along the enchanting banks of the River Loire. Once known as "Gortona," this Gallo-Roman port boasts...
Italy's Most Powerful Red Wine - Amarone By Philip Stephenson-Oliver December 13, 2023Amarone, or more formally Amarone della Valpolicella, stands as an enduring symbol of Italy's viticultural prowess, securing its place among the nation's most distinguished red wines. Renowned for its distinctive...
What is Bordeaux Superieur ? - Philip Stephenson-Oliver November 14, 2023 Bordeaux Supérieur stands as a distinguished appellation tier, gracing wines crafted within the expansive Bordeaux AOP zone. Rooted in the classic Bordeaux grape varieties, these wines epitomize a refined...
Matching the wine with your Goose this Christmas. October 31, 2023If you've made the bold decision to serve goose instead of the traditional turkey this Christmas, it's an opportunity to embark on a culinary adventure, and this opens the door...
The Left Bank of Bordeaux - By Philip Stephenson-Oliver October 24, 2023The Left Bank of Bordeaux stands as the prestigious wine-producing region, boasting the appellations that house many of the world's renowned Bordeaux wine producers. Within its embrace, you'll discover celebrated...
How is Sweet Wine Made? - By Philip Stephenson-Oliver October 18, 2023The key to crafting a lusciously sweet wine lies in preserving a portion of the grape's natural sugars even after the fermentation process. When yeast is introduced to crushed grape...